Even more edamame photos...

Old sowing technology like this Ebra can work well. Very slow driving ensures the even depth placement of seeds.

Edamame can withstand heavy heaping – a trick against weeds growing in the rows.

For over 3,000 years, soya has been cultivated exclusively for numerous foods. A very recent phenomenon, however, is its cultivation for energy and fodder. Photo: Taifun-Tofu GmbH

Sludge due to heavy rain after sowing: Here, a pass with the rolling tined weeder would certainly have helped many seedlings break through the cracking soil.

Dry soya beans can still bring a certain yield to maturity even during drought. But so far, as shown in this picture, that hasn’t happened with edamame... Photo: Taifun-Tofu GmbH

A bush bean harvester for the clear-cut edamame harvest for freezing. Freezing within hours after the harvest is a must.

25 °C and light rain at flowering – this crop is headed for maximum yield.

The start of grain filling: The harvest should begin in about three weeks.

The hair on young pods gives way by full maturation: Edamame soya varieties are not very hairy, and the hair is white rather than brown.

Twelve tons of pure product per hectare: Everything happened perfectly here! Normally, 5-10 tons per hectare is the standard yield at good growing sites.

Read for the freezing: Edamame cleaning and sorting on a large scale by a local producer.

Edamame is one of the most protein-rich vegetables of all and also has a very high amino acid valency.

One kilo of pods yields about 450 g of kernels. In Japan, there are also machines for small-scale coring.

First edamame seed production in 2017 in the Kaiserstuhl region – a pleasure without genetic engineering and pesticides!